Virtual meetings
Project Leader: Peter Arnfalk Duration: Financing Body: ForteCollaborators: IIIEE researchers: Aim:Project website: - 2025-03-14
Project Leader: Peter Arnfalk Duration: Financing Body: ForteCollaborators: IIIEE researchers: Aim:Project website: - 2025-03-14
Signe Damgaard Nielsen is working as a Sustainability Developer at IKEA Global Transport & Services. Home country: DenmarkCurrent work position: Sustainability Developer at IKEA Global Transport & Services (located in Helsingborg, Sweden)Graduation year from the IIIEE: 2012Describe your job and the most exciting aspects of itI work with IKEA's code of conduct called IWAY focusing on transportatio
Project Leader: Lena NeijDuration: 2023-2025Financing Body: LU-projektCollaborators: Lund University, SLU, MAU, City of Malmö, City of Helsingborg, City of Lund IIIEE researchers: Lena Neij, Sofie Sandin LomparAim: Climate-neutral Cities 2030 – Open Academy is a knowledge platform that will support Malmö, Helsingborg and Lund to reach their goal of being climate-neutral by 2030. The collaboration - 2025-03-14
Project Leader: Kes McCormickDuration: March 2023 - December Financing Body: EnergimyndighetenCollaborators: Swedish Institute of International Affairs, University of TwenteIIIEE researchers: Kes McCormick, Björn WickenbergAim: This project examines how an innovative governance mechanism - the mission approach - can accelerate energy transitions, particularly in cities.Project website: https://po
Project Leader: Yuliya Voytenko PalganDuration: December 2023 - November 2027Financing Body: EU - Horizon EuropeCollaborators: Utrecht University, Central European University, The Nature Conservancy Europe, ICS University of Lisbon, Trinity College Dublin, Grupo Laera, WWF-Colombia, WWF-International Switzerland, WWF-Peru, Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesIIIEE researchers: Yuliya Voyte - 2025-03-14
Project Leader: Carl DalhammarDuration: June 2023 - November 2025Financing Body: VinnovaCollaborators: Chalmers, KTH, IIIEE, RISE, LTU Skellefteå, Högskolan Halmstad + several companiesIIIEE researchers: Carl DalhammarAim: How can the Swedish industry make a circular transition? whata re the opportunities for a certifiaction scheme for circular products?Project website: - 2025-03-14
Project Leader: Matthias LehnerDuration: July 2023 - December 2024Financing Body: MistraCollaborators: KTH, Ericsson ABIIIEE researchers: Matthias LehnerAim: What is the impact of increased digitalization on lifestyle carbon emissions?Project website: project is conducted under Mistra SAMS: - 2025-03-14
Project Leader: Jenny PalmDuration: October 2023 -June 2027Financing Body: Norges ForskningsrådCollaborators: The Fridtjof Nansens Institute, Institute for Energy Technology, Aarhus UniversityIIIEE researchers: Georgios Pardalis, Jenny PalmAim: SOLNOR’s main objective is to map and explain the development of small- and large-scale solar PV in Norway, including the drivers and challenges and how th - 2025-03-14
Project Leader: Bernadett KissDuration: August 2023 – July 2025Financing Body: Svenska InstitutetCollaborators: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Ekologiska Lantbrukarna Sverige, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LAMMC), The Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge (METK), Khazar University, Department of Life Science, Plant Breeding and Genetics Inst - 2025-03-14
Project Leader: Yuliya Voytenko PalganDuration: February 2024 - January 2027Financing Body: DUT/JPI Urban Europe / FormasCollaborators: Maastricht University (lead), University of Trento, Jagiellonian University, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, Stiftelsen Världsnaturfonden WWFIIIEE researchers: Yuliya Voytenko Palgan, Bernadett KissAim: One of the key challenges for sustainabl
Estelle Beaudry from Canada, a 2008 IIIEE graduate is a successful Sustainability Consultant. Home country: CanadaCurrent work position: Sustainability ConsultantGraduation year from the IIIEE: 2008Describe your job and the most exciting aspects of itAs a consultant in sustainable development, I am working on environmental projects with clients from various sectors: municipalities, transport compa
Project Leader: Bernadett KissDuration: October 2023 - March 2026Financing Body: Erasmus+Collaborators: LUCSUS, One Resilient Earth, Legacy17, Climate Creativity, Real School Budapest, The Vision WorksIIIEE researchers: Bernadett Kiss, Gustav OsbergAim: CLARITY aims to enhance educators’ skills for dealing with climate anxiety and support integrative approaches that link the inner resilience of le
Project Leader: Lena NeijDuration: 2023-2024Financing Body: EnergimyndighetenCollaborators: City of Malmö, Lund Univeristy, Malmö University, Linköping UniversityIIIEE researchers: Lena NeijAim: Participation in climate changeProject website: - 2025-03-14
Project Leader: Lena NeijDuration: 2023-2024Financing Body: EnergimyndighetenCollaborators: City of Helsinborg, Lund UniversityIIIEE researchers: Lena NeijAim: Participation in climate changeProject website: - 2025-03-14
Project Leader: Jessika RichterDuration: January 2024-December 2028Financing Body: FormasCollaborators: Service Management Department, Lund University and School of Arts and Communication, Malmö UniversityIIIEE researchers: Jessika RichterAim: The objectives of the research project are to contribute to the following:- Thriving reuse, repair, and recycle initiatives targeting citizens - A theoretic
Project Leader: Hervé CorvellecDuration: April 2024 - March 2025Financing Body: Helsingborgs stads forsknings- och utvecklingsfondCollaborators: Hervé Corvellec, Service Management Department, Lund University, City of HelsingborgIIIEE researchers: Jessika RichterAim: The research project aims to analyze the technical, economic and cultural challenges and solutions of the City of Helsingborg in bri - 2025-03-14
EMP IMEN01 - ESA Environmental Science and the Anthropocene Mandatory readingTextbookEnvironment, 10th EditionAuthors: David M. Hassenzahl; Mary Catherine Hager; Nancy Y. Gift; Linda R. Berg; Peter H. RavenChapter 1: Introducing Environmental Science and SustainabilityChapter 3: Ecosystems and EnergyChapter 4: Ecosystems and the Physical EnvironmentChapter 5: Ecosystems and Living Organisms Scient - 2025-03-14
Logan Strenchock's first career steps and the impact of the IIIEE educations. Country: United States, Currently living in Budapest, Hungary Current work position: Environmental and Sustainability Officer, Central European University, Organic Farming Team Member, Zsámboki Biokert, HungaryGraduation year from the IIIEE: 2012 (MESPOM Batch 17-6)Describe your job and the most exciting aspects of it
The IIIEE advances knowledge on organisational and physical structures needed in low-carbon economies. We design and evaluate policy instruments and business models supporting resource efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable business. ProjectsCentre for Societal ResilienceThe Centre for Societal Resilience is a university-wide independent transdisciplinary centre for research and innovation a - 2025-03-14
5 May 2025 08:00 to 10 May 2025 17:00 | Other Save the date! 5-10 maj, 2025 kommer Hållbarhetsveckan tillbaka. Hållbarhetsveckan är ett årligt arrangemang där Lunds universitet och Lunds kommun fyller en vecka med aktiviteter kopplade till hållbarhet. Under veckan utforskas både nutida samhällsutmaningar och hoppfulla framtidsvisioner i form av föreläsningar, workshops, debatter, utställningar, gu - 2025-03-14